Many come to the market, losing time and money, give up and leave him forever. It will always be, because evolution leaves the strongest and weakest eat sharks. Here I will describe the nature of the market, based on my personal beliefs, which I believe.

Let's start with the Three Ones. The problem is that people are not able to understand the trinity. He understands either yes or no. He sees a good or bad and does not understand that this is good - good, precisely because of this he is well. To understand what I am talking about is the example. There is something a whole - let one side of the coin, there is something a second - otherwise, the opposite of - the other side of the coin. These two opposites together - is a medal. Third, that unites them - is like their content and at the same time, the law of eternal struggle between the first and second. In the trinity is not a balance - is the eternal struggle of opposites - it's called evolution.

Now what I did all this. Besides that, such as mathematics - it is abstract. And 1 +1 = 2 - this idealization - in simple words, or simply opposed to the evolution of real life. You anywhere in the world do not find the two perfect apple. Therefore, mathematics is impossible to describe the nature and the universe.

Now a little about the universe. The universe is a multi-dimensional dynamic hierarchical structure, each element, which has formed a coherent structure, which is the cell structure of the higher hierarchy, and at the same time, consists of whole cells of other lower hierarchies. It is this structure can describe the trinity and everything that just might be in the universe - any process, all.

Better give an example. Draw a circle - inside it, draw a 6-y circles in a circle, and draw the same large circles in a circle, as the first all around the circle and so on indefinitely upward and downward - in 3-dimensional space that would be take the form of a spiral, but it is a primitive example, because the universe is multi-dimensional. Directions in fact infinitely many.

What is the pricing schedule? If you come closer to reality - it is the projection of all the processes that alter the price of the plane as the axis of time and price axis. Unfortunately, this projection due to a clerical not accrete a bunch of errors and does not display a perfect picture, but fortunately, these small errors and in the aggregate amount of not more than 15-10%. Scientists have long struggle over the nature of chaos, and as I said mathematics is powerless. But there were early warnings. Scientists have found a pattern that the pieces of the chaos as a whole and would consist of other solid pieces.

Remember, I have described above the structure? Here they are, and found her. Each piece - it is a complete cycle of evolution, which depends directly on the fact that in the hierarchy above and below.
And now actually on the market and why it can earn. You can earn it at the expense of the integrity of the structure. If the price pierces a standard structure - size, which is, for example, 100p, the price goes the distance in the direction of Perforation much 100p.

Since the period of time can increase or decrease indefinitely (ideally), the certainty and uncertainty as the switch goes, or rather does so smoothly - like a pendulum. If the resistance and support - let it be a solid brick in this time frame. Inside it will be a number of other blocks, each of which contains a number of still smaller blocks and so on to reduce and enlarge.

So the uncertainty - it is the boundaries of whole blocks, but as the case may be reduced to minus infinity it turns out that every time there is uncertainty at the same time, if the increase is all up to plus infinity would be complete certainty, and all this single process. Simply, we choose a particular size of bricks and we know that the price goes from border to border, in the case of Perforation passes brick of the same magnitude, in the case of rebound creates another brick, but the size needed to fit into a larger number of bricks increased time frame. And do not consider smaller bricks that make up the observable.

In doing so, you can go and say that every time there is destiny, and at the same time, we always have a choice, but his election, we develop a karma - simple words create your destiny. All our choices - there is freedom inside the brick of fate, but this choice in the future will create a new brick building, and again, we will determine the fate.
, Ie any choice determines our future and at the same time develops the fate that had been established the previous election, all interconnected in a hierarchical multidimensional dynamic process.

I would describe the very foundation of which was not enough for beginners, and not knowing which novices mechutsya from method to method, not knowing where lies.