Two important decisions were made: increasing the capacity of the IMF - World Bank and the lifting of bank secrecy. Jean-Claude Paye, Belgian sociologist notes that this new rule that tends to lead or handle the money into the United States favors the-Anglo-Saxon legal structures laundering: the trusts and the LLC.

The G20 had, on the one hand, a program of 1,100,000 million dollars to support the credit and revive the trade, mainly consisting in increasing the IMF. However, it is not announced any plan for the overall.

Furthermore, 5,000,000 million dollars announced no more than the sum of national, ie a sum of different measures. Are accounted for simple loans or guarantees. At the same time, public expenditures that are related to the revitalization measures and tax reductions which do not automatically translate into an increase in household consumption, but rather in an increase in the value of financial assets.

As with national policies, the goal is not to cause a revival of the economy through increased demand from households, but to promote a redistribution of income, mainly to the banking sector. This process is accompanied by a hierarchy of increasing international financial system.
One developer of global power relations

The summit has become an instrument of Anglo-Saxon dominance of international finance. The essential point has focused on "the fight against tax havens." The action was based on three lists that just set the OECD.

The first, the black list, comprising only four states, such as Costa Rica and Uruguay, countries that have no balance of power at international level. After a commitment to "proceed with the exchange of tax information based on the rule of the OECD, these countries have just been removed from this list, which was empty.

The second, the gray list includes countries' efforts to do on tax cooperation and includes Switzerland and Luxembourg, but also, for example, Belgium.

Third, the white list, the countries of the cooperative, United Kingdom and comprises four of its' territories': Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man and the Virgin Islands. Obviously, United States belongs to the latter and without notice any opaque to the practices of states as Delaware and Wyoming.

Thus, the results of G20 faithfully translate the new relations of power at international level. United States has revealed its power to their advantage to reorganize the financial system. The European Union has rushed to support the interests whites, while China has managed to preserve its tax, Macao, Hong Kong and Singapore.

With respect to Israel, confirmed its status as pure anomia, a territory outside the law and international agreements and that while in general it is considered a whitener money does not appear in any of the three lists, either in black or gray or white.
The trusts

The offensive has focused on banking secrecy presented as the preferred means of tax evasion. But now half the market is focused on offshore trusts, common law creations that do not need banking secrecy to be able to get away from the Treasury. It is no longer a market for bank discretion, but the techniques of legal engineering tax.

The trust is a vehicle of law that allows a person wealthy off of his fortune to not appear as the owner in the eyes of the Treasury. If it is "discretionary and irrevocable, the bank opens the account may not require the identity of the recipient. A person who has been abroad this trust is not taxed at all because it is no longer considered the owner of their property. As regards the beneficiary of the trust, which in principle is taxable, it does not require your identity when you open the account.

The islands of Guernsey and Jersey, both British territory, is a specialist jurisdictions in setting up trusts. It is also the case of Delaware and the islands of the Caribbean, which provide shelter money "gray" from United States, like Miami, which hosts United States in the American capital who want to escape paying taxes in their home countries . Singapore does the same seeking fortunes in Asia or Europe.

Banks only retain information on Anglo-Saxon the contractor, the trustee, the management company and trust administration, which in practice allows them to obtain a total opacity of the person wants to escape the tax. It came to an even greater privacy without banking secrecy in the formal sense of the term.
A ranking of the financial system

The main objective of the G20 is Switzerland, a major financial centers worldwide. In fact, it is a reorganization of the international financial system at their expense.

United States and its satellite islands in the Caribbean, and offshore centers under British flag control each one of the market 'money gray almost equal to that of Switzerland. After the U.S. offensive Switzerland, which still holds 27% of the global market for managed global savings away from the residence, could quickly lose ground at the hands of its main competitors: United Kingdom and Channel Islands, the Isle of Man to Dublin and treat 24% of the capital, and New York, Miami, the islands of the Caribbean and Panama who hold 19% of the 7,300,000 million dollars outside the borders. Half of this amount was not declared.

After registering the threat of Switzerland in the list of tax havens by the OECD, this country has created a gap in its banking secrecy. Will consent to the exchange of information, but case by case basis in response to specific requests and based the tax authorities of third countries. Luxembourg and Austria, the last two members of the European Union who wish to keep their banking secrecy, have done the same. However, never has been included in the list of States United States such as Delaware, whose LLC (Limited Liabilities Companies, Companies Limited Liabilities) are free from any form of taxation.

Situated in the context of the financial crisis, this operation under the U.S. hegemony "to combat tax fraud" seems an attempt by states to recover some capital to finance part of the consensual support to banks and insurers. However, not everyone is called tax fraudsters to make their contribution, as the more affluent will always have the opportunity to appeal to fiscal engineering to escape taxes. This operation will be provided with tax subtraction even more put their capital in offshore centers Anglo American or, in territories under the direct control of the dominant power.