The world financial crisis, have seized the entire planet, not without a landmark was born in the Mortgage and the U.S. construction industry. Indicators of housing and the housing market in the United States for the economy of the world are very important - they are very accurate statement of the American economy, the biggest economy of the world. In addition, indicators of housing is directly linked to interest rates (interest on mortgage loans), and periods of economic cycles. Therefore, the trader before the trade will not prevent the United States to assess and, through him, and the global economic situation. The impact on exchange rates (primarily U.S.) housing indicators are carried out only indirectly, through the securities markets. Shares are usually grown in response to growth performance, and bonds are falling.

Data on housing and housing market published by the U.S. monthly, about 15 hours a month. Housing Statistics tracked at all stages: from building permits, started construction, completion of construction, sales of new and existing homes, construction costs.

Data on the very important during a crisis indicator, the construction of houses in the 1.5 - 2 million a year characterized the American economy as strong, but the level is less than one million started to build homes in a year says a recession in the U.S. economy.

At the time of this writing, according to the Ministry of Commerce's construction of new homes in the United States in May 2009 increased compared to the previous month at 17.2% and reached 532 thousand homes. Analysts had expected that this figure will be 500 thousand homes. In May, also grew and the number of permits issued for construction of new homes - at 4% to 518 thousand. All of this suggests that at the end of 2009 (ie the figure should reach the milestone - one million started to build houses), the American economy can emerge from a recession or very close to a state of withdrawal.