The role of aspect ratio when using technical analysis

The most common type of analysis is fundamental for 95% of active traders, is a technical analysis. This type of analysis is based on several postulates, such as frequency of occurrence of history and inertia, the price trend. All these laws were still in the Dow theory, which is a technical analysis in its pure form. Analyzing the schedule with the help of "technology", the trader is looking for specific patterns, which, in fact, are the most repetitive mikrostsenami stories that have been dealt with in the first postulate. Analyzing the behavior of prices in the time interval, which manifested a particular figure, as well as looking at a news background, in which it happened to form, it can be very accurate conclusion about the future behavior of prices.

The success of trade in the global forex market has many components. This psychological side, and technical training for the trader, it is specific, intuitive moment of foreboding, which gives many years of practice. Perhaps, it is difficult to enumerate all the elements of success, but, judging from a purely mathematical point of view: - the success of the transactions is determined by only two parameters, which in contrast to the above can be clearly expressed numerically. This is a chance of a positive outcome of the transaction and the amount of risk. The interaction of these two variables determines the resulting trend of commercial deposits. Thus, the whole diversity of approaches to forming a market strategy can be reduced to the two components: policy management of capital, or otherwise - risk management and improve the reliability of forecasts. If the first point about risk management is quite clear, that is with certainty not so simple.

In fact, recognizable form of familiar graphic pattern remains practically nothing. The famous "Head-Shoulders", all kinds of "triangles" in addition brought them arrived, known for its antithesis, the outside of them hardly distinguishable, but augural opposite market movement. Therefore, the "Head-Shoulders" is called, for example, "fig", with the unfortunate property regenerate in the body to continue the trend - Streamer. From "rebound" and the spines are not all the pure, they are reborn time and again in "Leap dead cats, which died on the fly (in the case of bull's model), and falls down, and not utsepivshis for branch-cherished goal.

As a trader comes to the practice of understanding the differences of these figures and on the extent to which this understanding will come sooner, depends the fate of the deposit. A case is, as it turns out, not in the form of graphics. Then it was all too easy. In practice, the outcome determine the ratio - the ratio of segments of motion and their duration. In compliance with the strict proportions "implicated" is not a market theory, giddy success brought its creator. Use the same mysterious Hanna (William Delbert Gann), who was third in the United States iron plane. Actually, at that time, in the U.S., there were only three. For all the career statistics of its transactions is that for some sources are already profitable (!) 97%. We know that his theory was based on numerology, but the key points he kept secret and only told his disciples. In the life of this man was very much associated with magic numbers, and he not only "the movement of the market, but the key date of their lives. The date of death, in particular. He died at the age of 77 years, commanded his disciples to burn memoirs and notes. The Mystery of the effective ratio of market thing with him.

But the very fact that the success of trade is defined proportions, is undeniable. One of the attempts to bring the market turmoil to a common denominator is the use of graphic methods based on the Fibonacci numbers. However, in some cases, the method does not give the expected results. While there is no single recipe for a strike that was the feeling of the correct proportions, so this skill is the fate of those who have long engaged in the exchange trade at the professional level. This approach gives the unconscious habit, and produces a moment of intuitive hunch.

I raskazhu you receive one, which allows to significantly reduce losses
and even make the system unprofitable profitable. But всетаки for use
I would recommend to find or create a system in which the ratio of revenue and
loss-making transactions will be at least 50 to 50.
how to use this method for example. For example, you
decided to buy gbpusd. The first transaction was called the Market 0.1 fathomable. Furthermore
exposed sediments of a warrant for the 20 points above the current transaction. Lot 0.1. And
presented a warrant for 40 points over the first transaction in the same lot. Teika
Profit for the three positions put on 20 puntktov of the last orders
set on a course dvezheniya. Instead, the stop loss is exposed sediments
order below the first position on 40 points. The size of the lot for a 0.4. You can
change the size of the lot, but the ratio should ostovatsya, ie tiri warrant for
course of motion shall be installed with the same lot, but in order
opposite side of a large double lot, compared with two Lolotoe
warrants in the course of movement.
How does it work? For example the price went against you and you have a position
opened at the beginning of 0.1 lot, worked a warrant in the opposite direction and the price
went further, as the price was only 14 losses resulting from incorrect
open positions overlap, and all entries must be close. In
rezultpte you in the overall cases were published in bezubytok. Opened the second position,
pull the back position to the level of the first and
Price unfolded, worked a warrant in the opposite direction, the motion must be
14 points to cut losses. Once off the losses, closing
position and remove all pending order. Worked for two additional
warrants in the course of price movements and unfolded. Once sumarny income
three open positions will be equal to zero, closing all the positions and removing
pending order in the opposite direction. We escaped the damages. Third
case the price came to take profit, we received 120 points profit to 0.1
Important: if a warrant has worked in the opposite direction than for gonites
profits, cut losses and all. Step between the orders can be adjusted to
your system. For a warrant necessarily place a stop loss level
the first order.

Why 90% of traders lose money trading the financial markets.

I understand that all can not wait to hear about the trading methods and systems. Learn where to buy or sell, under any circumstances, and other specific items from the trader's arsenal. Tolerate all this will be in your life, but a little later. I want to start «thorny path» to analyze the causes of trading failure and identify ways how to avoid them. Believe me, this is more important than any trading system. People do tend to occur on the rake itself, not listening to others. That is why I appeal to treat the subject special attention. I hope that at least some of the readers do not come to rake financial loss.

So the first reason - lack of experience and obsession advertising unscrupulous DC, which gave the impression of easy money, umalchivaya of all the other difficulties associated with work in the financial markets. New courses are completed online trading and immediately begins to sell. It seems that he knows enough and is able to earn. After all, like everything is clear and understandable. But suddenly the price, the sample, the triangle is unfolding, and the demolition of his back foot. The Fed raises the discount rate, the dollar, as taught, begins to strengthen, and then suddenly turns and drops. Trader does not close the position, hoping that this correction. The next day, the fall continued, and one day becomes vast. Man does not stand the psychological pressure of huge losses and closed position. From the deposit were tears.

Each trader can tell many such stories. The market is not as simple as often advertised. The market professionals earn. Insiders enjoy truism that teaching beginners, and a lot of false breakthroughs of all kinds of trend lines, triangles, bases, lines of shoulders and other technical stuff, engaging the crowd in the loss-making transactions. They use the levels of accumulation of orders, to create movement in the right direction to them. To earn money in the markets need to become a professional. Monthly rates for this, unfortunately, is not enough.

Reason Two - Psychology. At this point should stay more in detail.

The point is that the market is a very unique environment like no other in daily life. His motion does not obey any laws, he never repeats itself exactly (although similar price formations occur), each moment is unique in the market, it could be in line with fundamental factors, but may go against them. The market - This Wednesday at a constant uncertainty. All this can be described in one word - a paradox.

The emotional pain and financial failure is characterized among traders because the principles, attitudes, and inferences, which we use in daily life, often lead to the opposite effect in the market environment. They do not work. Not knowing this, people begin to trade on the markets are not even present, it means to be a trader, what skills should be developed.

I am sure that there are no traders, which are not included in the deal would be too early, before the market gave a signal at the entrance, or too late after that. Which trader is not to convince ourselves not to take a loss and as a result of completed transactions with a large loss than anticipated, or out of the lucrative deal too early, or, in a profitable deal, do not take profits and as a result finished with losses, or moved a foot closer to the point of entry and stay away from the market when the market returned to its side. This is not an exhaustive list of errors committed in the market constantly.

But this error is not caused by the market. The market is neutral, it just gives out information about yourself, which gives us the opportunity to act. That's all. A market has no impact on our ability to perceive information, or to control our decisions and actions. The above errors are the result of an incorrect perception of the market. Wrong perception generates fear instead of confidence and consistency.

Learning to fully adopt a risk not just in any environment, but it is especially difficult in the market. What we usually fear (besides fear of death or of public opinion)? We fear the loss of money and fear being wrong. Recognize that you are wrong and losing money at this very unpleasant. But trading, we are faced with these opportunities almost constantly.

Trading is a fundamental paradox: how to stay disciplined, focused and confident in the face of constant uncertainty? When you learn to think like a trader, you will be able to achieve this. Learning to override your actions as a trader in such a way as to take the risk - the key to a successful trader's mindset.

When you develop a skill of taking the risk of the market will cease to generate information that is perceived badly. And if the market information is unable to cause emotional discomfort, the fears go.

I think that it is easier not to express the difference between successful traders and others. Successful traders are not covered in fear. They are not afraid because it developed a flexible attitude to what is happening in the market, which makes it possible to come and go in the transaction, depending on the information provided by the market. In addition, they have developed the ability to remain collected and to avoid negligence.

Ninety-five percent of errors in trading comes from your attitude to such concepts as: being wrong, losing money, skip the bargain or not to take profits.

Extremely difficult to realize that the source of problems in this regard. Lots of thoughts and perceptions affect our trade - the result of our upbringing and the traditional perception of the world. This is so much in our minds that we do not come to mind that the reason for failure is inside ourselves. Clearly identify the external cause of failure - the market in the entire blame.

If we do not understand how our thoughts and beliefs affect our perception of market information, it might seem that the market behavior is the cause of inconsistency. The result is the idea that in order to avoid losses and become more consistent it is necessary to study the market.

This logical construction is a psychological trap that sooner or later get the majority of traders. This approach does not work. Just the market offers too many variables to consider. In addition the behavior of the market no boundaries. He simply could make anything at any time. Every trader is actually a variable effect on the behavior of the market.

This means that regardless of how much you study the market behavior, regardless of how beautiful you are an analyst, you can not predict every move the market, which is able to deprive you of your money and prove that you are wrong. So if you're afraid of losing money or being afraid of the wrong, the number of knowledge about markets will not eliminate the negative effect that these fears have on your ability to be objective and act without hesitation. In other words, you do not become confident in the face of uncertainty. The harsh market reality is that each transaction has an indefinite result. Until you learn to fully accept the possibility of an indeterminate result, you consciously or subconsciously to avoid a painful situation for you and this will lead to many mistakes.

I do not want to say that the market analysis and a method for determining a favorable situation, it is not needed. Of course you should. But market research and market analysis is not the way to consistently profitable trading. This does not eliminate the errors. Associated with a lack of consistency and discipline.

If you are acting out of conviction that the more the analysis, the more consistency you have to collect in its arsenal of many types of market behavior. And what next? The market is still deceiving you because you have failed to recognize or do not draw attention. Would appear that the market can not be trusted, in fact, can not be trusted with your own.

You have two options - to explore a variety of options of market behavior (path to nowhere), or transform their market behavior in a way that you fully accept the risk and fear none.

Once you reach the state where the risk was adopted in full, you will be more painful nei perceive market information. And if you do not accept sensitive market information, you destroy the basis for fluctuations, rationalization, hasty decisions, hopes that the market will give you money, or hope that the market will save you from failure to timely close the loss-making position.

And what is the solution? There is a need to re-your beliefs and attitudes to trading in such a way that you can trade without the slightest fear, but at the same time were collected and did not allow himself to negligence.

Trading - an activity that offers everyone the infinite freedom of expression, a freedom that most of us have been deprived of all his life.

We were all born in the social environment with lots of restrictions, rules, morals, etc. All the need for restrictions and personal desire to express themselves in conflict. Anyone trying to master the art of trading is faced with this conflict.

Trade represents an environment where we have set rules of conduct. There are almost no boundaries and limitations of our self-expression. (Except for the need to have a margin account).

Unlimited possibilities, coupled with the unrestricted freedom of expression constitute a psychological test, which just a few. Most are not even aware of this fact, but as you can be ready for what can not have the concept.

In such an environment need to change the habits of submission, and to create a structure in consciousness that will ensure the trader's high degree of balance between svobotoy do anything, and the potential to cause a financial and psychological damage.

Creating such a structure can be extremely difficult because of the subconscious resistance, which provides our consciousness, and which shaped all our lives. It is as if we were a country where there is unlimited freedom, and then someone slap us on the shoulder and said - Hey, you need to create rules!

In order to effectively operate in a market environment, we need rules as restrictions on our behavior. The risk of loss can be unlimited and not to expose themselves to danger trauma necessary to create an internal structure in the form of internal self-discipline, guide our actions in the market. This structure must be within us, because the market as opposed to society, such a structure does not provide.

There is nothing with which we face in public life that would prepare us to act in the market structure, nahodyasheysya in constant motion, not subject to no laws.

In trade, no one except yourself will not force you to identify risks in advance. In fact, we are dealing with an unbounded structure where everything can happen at any time and only the consistent and successful traders determine their risk before entering into the transaction. For the rest of the definition of risk leads to face with the reality of the probabilistic outcome of any transaction may sta loss. Successively play on the market are doing everything to avoid such a reality as it is. For traders of all kinds are typical rationalize, explain themselves and hope that the transaction can not be resolved, which makes the definition of risk as it is not necessary.

One of the contradictions inherent in the market trade is that the market offers and the sticks and carrots at the same time. Cake - perhaps for the first time in life we are in full control all their behavior. Knut - the absence of external rules and constraints of our behavior. Therefore, restrictions should be put inside of us. The structure of self must emerge in our consciousness as an act of goodwill.

Getting Started in Forex, you thought that in order to work and earn at Forex? In my opinion this is a great prospect! Of course, you can be skeptical of such species as the slogan: "Earn on FOREX!", "FOREX - is your financial freedom!" and so forth, but should not be denied the opportunity to become rich here, and good profit. The real work on the Forex Kazan, this is not manipulation in the FOREX market, George Soros, making it two days was the owner of $ 1 billion - you are not George Soros and you are unlikely to become one, but get a few thousands or tens of thousands of dollars just sitting at home for your computer - it really works. I have been working quite successfully in Forex and getting quite, but traders saw that play on Forex on the truth vast sums. You may ask - how is it possible? Forex - not far from Roulette. And in order to earn money here, you'll need quite a lot to learn and not 1 month. Only the knowledge and tools osoznovaniya Forex market allows us to earn money. You may ask - is лохотрон Forex? As a rule say about Forex those who either do not have this case or the participants, who, not having the necessary knowledge, ran to the market and failed. And they still do not cover flattering expressions Forex? - Accepting a luzerom in any situation, no one likes. Forex - not far from Roulette. And in order to earn money here, you'll need quite a lot to learn and not 1 month. Only the knowledge and tools osoznovaniya Forex market allows us to earn money. You may ask - is лохотрон Forex? As a rule say about Forex those who either do not have this case or the participants, who, not having the necessary knowledge, ran to the market and failed. And they still do not cover flattering expressions Forex? - Accepting a luzerom in any situation, no one lyubit.Lyudi long and successful working at Forex Kazan is unlikely to be talking about it all, but those that, being without the knowledge of failure, is pleased to express his "opinion". As in any case - to get it you need to start earning a Forex itself. It is possible that you have the chance to join luzerov, but there is a chance to become a better trader.

Forex, or how to earn a million.

Forex (Forex), or earn a million. Philosophers of antiquity, already during the development of the present civilization spoke of the possibility that a person with each passing year will only increase.

One could even say that this is the ultimate goal of civilization. Or one of them, one of the most important.

But look around! How we use podvernuvshiesya or create opportunities? Probably not. More precisely they are used, not all inhabitants of our planet. And for those who used to talk about how «celestial». Because of their wealth and influence raises people to reach, a simple man, tall.

In many countries such people is called differently. We have for example: the oligarchs. They know everything, well, or many. Their name is millionaire, his envy, even hate. But the millionaires live and live.

Indisputable that in many countries, a certain percentage of millionaires achieved their situation is not entirely legal means. But then as I write I am quite zkonno and very priblno! Forex (Forex). I heard about the foreign exchange market is quite long, over 2 years ago. But now some percentage of my budget compelling the money earned on the foreign exchange market. I think that this is my chance, no not to become a millionaire, but just to gain financial independence!

Just my chance on that one day I will not stop a few days to pay or advance what you want. After all, few of us who want to be buried under a multitude of domestic problems that will be honest with each other, so prevent us to live according to the present, you're doing something.

Forex (Forex)-this is my way to independence! And perhaps you?

But do not build illusions. Forex (Forex) will not give us independence as soon as possible. This is also a JOB. Only the work itself. In his spare time. And with its capital. Whom have to take risks, it is work for those who are willing to take responsibility for themselves and earn their mind and restraint.

Yes, yes, moderation is not the last. Here there can Nati article on psychology and self-restraint of trade in the foreign exchange market. It shows you that the technical analysis, which simply worshiping many traders, this is not the solution.

Actually, I personally, at the first mention of the tenders in the foreign exchange market, brokers, treyderah, indicators at once remembered films where a lot of people screaming, shaking hands and looking at the huge screens that time, from the time of writing.

But Forex (Forex) is not quite that well like to portray on the big screen.

Forex (Forex) allows you to work sitting at home, for your computer, in a pleasant atmosphere. And on the basis of the analysis of schedules open and close the warrant for the purchase or sale. And make a profit on the difference in rates. In other words, it's your money on the internet, because it is using the Internet dealing centers to process your instructions.

What is Dealing Center, you will be able to explain many intetnet resources, such as here where you can find a precise description of those who can help you earn.

Forex (Forex) is the chance to earn money and become independent. This is your chance or not remains to be seen. In any case, is to read about the Forex (Forex) in detail. Perhaps you have a future millionaire!

Forex Attractiveness

Posted by kannik | 3:55 AM

What attracts investors to Forex? And he was so attractive that it is possible to quickly obtain a high income. Timetable rate confirmation. During the open position to buy or sell, depending on the direction of the trend can yield good returns a good profit. The effectiveness of operations in the forex may exceed 100%.

Such a return is possible only in the criminal business. Forex has high liquidity. Here is an enormous amount of money. akaya return is possible only in the criminal business. Forex has high liquidity. Here is an enormous amount of money. Therefore, the trader is able to open and close positions at a rate close to market. Forex is working around the clock, and traders can always react quickly to the newly received information. At the forex investor can plan their activities. Forex works around the clock, and traders can always react quickly to the newly received information. At the forex investor can plan their activities.

Also on the forex is not necessary to incur any additional costs other than the difference bid / ask (the price of purchase / sale price). Also on the forex is not necessary to incur any additional costs, except for the difference. Also, the broker sets the spread of a few pips. Thanks to the huge number of bidders, most of the transactions can be performed on a uniform price. In forex currency movement has a certain orientation, which is apparent in the graphs.

Also, the dynamics of the different rates of exchange has its own characteristics, which enables traders to conduct a more flexible trading tactics. And, to sell the currency does not necessarily buy it. A trader can open positions as for sale or for purchase. For example, you sell more, then buy a cheaper, or vice versa. You can sell more expensive at first, then buy a cheaper or naoborotTakzhe Forex is stable, it is one of its major properties.

Forex Market - Best Trading Tactics - «Skalping»

To begin with, let us explain what was meant by the term «Skalping»

Skalping - a method of trading, which is used for profit in small FF or within days. With this in mind, the difference between the opening and closing time, sometimes less than 1 minute. Often profit in situations such as no more than 3 points. This method is good only so that the total profit achieved by the fantastic amounts of operation.

Such traders - Skalpery, make a day more than 300 transactions. But do not forget that not every business - profitable. The purpose of this method of trading is that skalper believes earnings for the entire current day. Matozhidanie and profitnost this method, equal to 1.

With this method of trading, the levels of the foot placed on the most minimal level. Once skalper sees a profit of 1 dollar - it closed position.

Forex Market - is the most liquid market. This phrase is present in all forums, in the descriptions of all the brokers. Even within days - the price is cyclical. Ie there are periods of ups and downs. A beginner trying to learn the system, turning a blind eye to the disadvantages that the system is a bear.

1. When you install a very close level of the limitation of losses, the probability that you will you will find some damage, only to market noise, and you can guess the direction of trends. Given that the trend is chosen correctly, you forget about those races - recoil, which occurs for a second time. Very easy to get wrong, choosing the markets for the next hour.

2. With such tactics is the nervous tension that arises when trading real money. Как правило, тактику «скальпинга» сначала отрабатывают на виртуальные деньги, т.е. on demo account. Where there are no factors such as emotions and experiences. The speed signal processing in the demo account - instantly. While a live account, you are exposed to experiences, emotions, fear of losing money. With each increase in points against your position, you are experiencing acute stress. Skalping implies a constant finding in the market. But under stress - it is impossible to perform good deeds.

Do not forget that when skalpinge, matozhidanie your account will be minimal, as these rates are sometimes needed to attract investors.

I will not hide the fact that skalping was also my first experience. In which I okunulsya with the parish on the market. But soon I realized that you can earn much more, without losing on the spreads. For 1 transaction - may get a profit, which is «skalper» will gain during the day.

Tactics Skalpinga - this is the uncertainty of the strength, but you need to enter the market with 100% certainty of profit.
Naturally such a system skalpinga can be ordered from any programmer, but should bear in mind that this analysis is not the most successful, although, in turn, gives good results.

Strategy Eur / usd

Posted by kannik | 3:48 AM

You probably heard about a possible second wave of the crisis. Here I would like to show a possible plan of action for the people involved in the currency pair eur / usd.

Already nearly two months, the euro is moving in the outset and can not determine the direction. Based on the technical (all lines of the well-known indicator of «alligator» crossed back in early June and is known from the theory of Williams, if the alligator sleeps, he will eat after awakening, that is, there is the trend. And accordingly, the longer it will be «sleep », ie, the price will move sideways flete, the« hungry »it will be, that is, the stronger and longer to move. Of course you can criticize the work of Williams, but agree that this particular method works in practice ... you can no problem to check it on the stories), the analysis can be said that the way out of this lull will be sharp and quick. Obviously, the big players are now waiting out important macroeconomic statistics for the 3rd quarter, which should have a strong impact on the stock market, which in turn vstryahnet market forex.

It is hard to say would be good news or not. Given the recent trend to pay attention to some news and skip others, to predict the movement becomes almost impossible. Strangely enough for a trader is not a fact and should be .... All that we need to find out the location of key support and resistance levels. A well-known and highly honored trader Mr. DiNapoli in his work uses the levels of correction and expansion of Fibonacci. Using them in combination with other methods of technical analysis can be said that at this time profitable to buy the recession (or already hold an open position) eur / usd in the flesh to 1,3430 (stop loss 1.2990), a key support level, a breakthrough which would cross on an upward trend with minima in March (1.2456). Support in the area of 1.3430 is a very strong level confirms its status at the historical data. The main goal of this trend is the movement of 1.5250. interim target 1.4900. When you break 1.34 to close all long on the euro and the open short position because If the euro goes down, then move to 1.2850.

Today, in a situation of global financial downturn, as never before, all the existing methods of earning assets. One of these mechanisms is also a currency exchange, even more than 100 years of regularly supplying the most successful income to their employees.

Everything is changing, and market changes as well. Now the most profitable in a position to be trading at Forex, where the money comes from the different variations of quotations SCR. The principle of the sale in forex is very simple - a person who starts to play on the bid, the trader buys a currency forward to a period of time - and then sells it, getting another. The difference value becomes quotations income. Or loss if the trends were predicted correctly.

Relief has become a valuable and so called leverage, which may suggest a broker dealer. Often, this is one to one hundred, which could mean that by investing 1. 000 U.S., you actually use in their transactions, one hundred thousand dollars. Of course, the scale of transactions increases, and increases the potential profits.

In fact, the Forex exchange market provides an excellent ability to not only to get the adrenaline, selecting those or other situations «finger to the sky», but, primarily, to transform the ability of economic analysis. For every trader on the forex market directly situational analysis is a very effective option for the realization of personal abilities and the many opportunities for exchanges. Just trying to guess the accident could lead to a loss of money. You will need to carefully watch trends in the market sector, it is only in this version of the game in the forex would be really the desired effect.

Even not so long ago in order to perform a transaction, it was necessary to sozvanivatsya phone with his broker and give him command of the launch of a transaction. At the same time intensely involved mechanical forex trading systems, which themselves, and begin and complete the transaction, not asking for additional verification master. To conduct transactions through the automated trading systems, more precisely, set up for computer programs designed to address this difficulty, you only need a PC and access to the global network. All you need to do more advanced program. Of course, apart from the decision-making. And spend the proceeds, it is understandable.

Since 1998, the times of crisis citizens periodically monitor the rate, and especially a pair of dollar to ruble. Strongest when the devaluation of the ruble caused a blow to ordinary people and business. Recently, the ruble strengthened in relation to world currencies, and this is somewhat weakened the interest of Russians to the exchange rate. However, only the economic crisis in 2008, as citizens remember the familiar words such as: the ruble, the dollar weakened, rose, etc. Since the old times in the minds of Russians deferred, that the currency change to the special currency exchanger, which is now moved to the commercial banks . But this method of exchange is no longer the most modern and efficient. For buying and selling currencies in the world is Forex - the world currency market transnational trade. And businesses are taking and sharing your money and then to exchange them at a forex price. Thus, they can earn for you, then there are intermediaries between the Forex market and individuals. Have you not noticed what the banks greater spreads on exchange rates? A spread refers to the difference between the price of the sale and purchase price of a particular currency. Purchased dollar selling could only be 2-3% cheaper. Given for the exchange of such amount is insulting, do not you think?

False allegation that forex can work only for large banks or investment companies. This is wrong. Individuals can become full participants in forex using the dealing centers. Furthermore, in order to perform operations on the Forex is one of contract. Open an account at Forex, you can quickly and without much labor costs. Through online currency trading takes place instantaneously. You can use the special free software that is installed on your computer and connect to the servers exchange brokers, which signed the treaty.

In a crisis makes the one who has more possibilities.
A Forex gives you the following:
commission on the exchange rate of 0.01%;
buying and selling of currencies around the clock;
operations from any computer connected to the Internet;
instant commission trade, less than 1 second;
credit for the purchase of currency;
reviews and timely delivery of forecasts and analysis for each pair of currencies;
free insurance for your money Dealing center in insurance companies.

As the crisis has always reflected the increased volatility, ie the rate of exchange rate changes. If you work at Forex, you have the advantage and can react to changes in quality and on time. Most analysts say that in late 2009 - early in the year 2010 will be the second new wave of the crisis and ruled out the possibility of earning a rate of exchange in such a situation simply irresponsible.

As the global economic crisis has affected the work of the foreign exchange market Forex?

Economic collapse, destroying the financial system, the collapse of the world economy over the last year taking place in the world, touched every sphere of human activity. About the causes of the crisis has already said very much, but for us it is important primarily its implications.

First of all, the economic crisis has manifested itself in inflation, the rapid increase in unemployment, a catastrophic rate of reduction in wages (almost double), the reduction in share prices, falling demand and, consequently, a decrease in commodity prices (almost 4-fold).

Against the backdrop of these developments, financial markets in particular, and the Forex market, are facing difficult times. Although, if we take into account that the Forex trade currency, which is always and everywhere to go, in spite of everything, but, nevertheless, the current crisis was reflected in the Forex market from two sides: positive and negative.

Let's start with the negative side for the Forex market. The main feature of which is that events on the trading platforms are developing rapidly and so quickly that not all traders can work in such a frenzied, intense pace. What it involves? First of all, the news policy of many countries: presidents, prime ministers, finance ministers, time and again stun the audience loud statements about the price forecasts, strategic economic decision-making, etc. And we know that the slightest statement, even if not always reasonable difference may affect the rate of pairs of currencies. Hence, their movement is very difficult to predict.

In such a situation to make the right decision, without risking their capital, it is quite difficult. Many beginners and experienced traders not to deal with so much information and lost. In such a difficult time, it must be mobilized, as a win-witted. The latter were able to adjusted to the rhythm of a continued successful and profitable in the Forex game.

How does the current crisis could positively affect the Forex, you ask? While the Forex market, as it is central banks, commercial banks, investment banks, brokers and dealers, pension funds, insurance companies, multinational corporations are in a difficult situation on the stock market in general, there is a prolonged decline. Forex market is continuing to work, and it is stable and income. Traders sold, and traded successfully and well. This is due to the fact that the difficult conditions of financial market in the fall of one currency is the growth of other currencies. In some cases, quotations vary quite natural projections. Although there are exceptions. Currency is the commodity that need anytime, anywhere!

Thus, of the above written we can conclude that the global financial crisis forex market not only suffered, but also benefited. In these difficult financial conditions, leverage the data management processes have proven effective and more efficient, as evidenced by the profit participants in the market Forex. Sam I know some traders who receive several thousand dollars a week! In Forex, some people see a way out of crisis. The only thing that not all market participants were able to adjusted to the new conditions of work in the market, which has managed to stay afloat.

There are four main objects, which are exploring the technical analysts. These include price, volume, time and mood. Their analysis is directed at the most widely used today, the technical indicators. Many modern technical analysts use only a small number of indicators, completely ignoring the various factors analysis. This seems to create a table for two or three feet. He may stand for some time, but will not be sufficiently stable that it can be moved or put heavy objects on it.
Since the purpose of any market analysis is to obtain profits from the difference between the buy and sell prices, the price is the most important of its object, and it is not surprising that it is based on the most types of market analysis. Widely used models of prices, like triangles and gepy. Enjoys the moment of measuring price: RSI, the rule changes and some others. Constantly developing new ways of smoothing market noise, such as systems based on exponential moving average.
The volume is the next most important object of study. It is important to measure the extent of participation of players in any market movement. In doing so, used terms such as liquidity, open interest and the breadth of the market. Liquidity appreciated how easy it is to conclude a transaction and the amount of catalyst required to cause a change in the price. The higher the liquidity, the easier it will get a competitive price and easier to buy and sell large amounts of shares.
Open interest, which is usually characteristic of commodity futures markets, evaluates the number of participants to invest in the discovery of long or short positions. «Unsold shares» in the stock market can not be equated with open interest. This indicator reflects the number of shares you can buy (without short sales). Reasonable action - this is potential, ie the action that may be offered for sale.
Width cover issues such as the degree of participation of different sectors of the market at any price movement, ie the amount of money entering the market or exit from it.
Next object - this time. The accumulation, distribution, «bychi» and «bear» periods exist in all markets, and each of the stages continues for some time. Together they form a market cycle, and the knowledge of the extent to which period the cycle is now in the market, helping to make the right investment decisions. In addition, the relative duration of each cycle, and their Duration tell where the market is moving. Seasonal analysis of agricultural products begins with the season of growth continues in the harvest season and the season ends in the sale of these products, and it can be seen in all markets. Economic and political cycles affect financial markets, because they change the movement of capital and production volumes.
The most unpredictable scope of analysis - this analysis of mood. It covers areas such as degree of speculation, opinion and consensus. The mood is assessed relative to the intensification of the speculative market instruments such as options, as well as determined «bychimi» tendencies of investors. Both are based on the theory of «the burning match», according to which the flame passes from investor to investor, until no one wants to either take over. Whoever is the last burn. In markets where the spread of «bovine» mood is, finally, a time when everyone had already bought, so no one person, who could sell those who do not have time. Lack of demand means the completion of growth of prices. Subjectively, it can also be represented in the media as the latest news on the «bull» nature of the buyers of newspapers and TV. But do not forget a simple rule that when the public has come to a consensus about the «bovine» market has remained willing to buy.

The world financial crisis, have seized the entire planet, not without a landmark was born in the Mortgage and the U.S. construction industry. Indicators of housing and the housing market in the United States for the economy of the world are very important - they are very accurate statement of the American economy, the biggest economy of the world. In addition, indicators of housing is directly linked to interest rates (interest on mortgage loans), and periods of economic cycles. Therefore, the trader before the trade will not prevent the United States to assess and, through him, and the global economic situation. The impact on exchange rates (primarily U.S.) housing indicators are carried out only indirectly, through the securities markets. Shares are usually grown in response to growth performance, and bonds are falling.

Data on housing and housing market published by the U.S. monthly, about 15 hours a month. Housing Statistics tracked at all stages: from building permits, started construction, completion of construction, sales of new and existing homes, construction costs.

Data on the very important during a crisis indicator, the construction of houses in the 1.5 - 2 million a year characterized the American economy as strong, but the level is less than one million started to build homes in a year says a recession in the U.S. economy.

At the time of this writing, according to the Ministry of Commerce's construction of new homes in the United States in May 2009 increased compared to the previous month at 17.2% and reached 532 thousand homes. Analysts had expected that this figure will be 500 thousand homes. In May, also grew and the number of permits issued for construction of new homes - at 4% to 518 thousand. All of this suggests that at the end of 2009 (ie the figure should reach the milestone - one million started to build houses), the American economy can emerge from a recession or very close to a state of withdrawal.

It is all a lot of people want to buy, applied as soon as possible to a small effort. There are rare exceptions, that no matter how much they finance, and this is one among millions. For all other currently important in life - comfort and wealth, which you can get only through the exploitation of resources. To earn funds would have the heaviest vkalyvaniem, which sometimes is not able to arrange the most intelligent and smart. Heavy manual labor, which pay far above all, has not been able to bring pleasure to everyone. And for various types of humanitarian work will pay quite a bit.

If you want to deal with what you yourself like, while earning a very solid, or you ленитесь every weekday to go to my workplace, but to live on something you need, try the modern way to get the original money - speculation on the currency market of virtual Forex. Including the most inexperienced in the mechanisms of money actually changing the play at the combination of quotations of currencies. Forex Brokers provide leverage in large amounts. This is really only on the virtual market Forex, because it is a virtual market, which has no analogues in the whole world. You are able to initially make a small amount of finance, this can not be a factor. Most importantly, the correct guess, as will vary, for example, the rate of U.S. dollar against the European currency quotes. If you guess accurately, the personal account will be recorded profits, and then you'll have to use the entire amount as a whole, and thus the potential profits to grow.

Money brokers or your own make it possible to place bets. Forex Trader - is a player, which basically can be considered as foreign currency speculators, is able to do so was not in hiding and the law. Each trader must not only understand the market mechanisms, but in addition possess a developed intuition, as well as one hundred percent of the market can not be predicted.

When conducting operations with a profit a trader must pay the broker spreads, the bish-size between the cost of purchase and implementation of SCR, which conducted the operation. This small value compared to your personal income. Just it can make money speculating on the Forex market sector such a convenient and reliable option for earning money. And most importantly, you will be able to work on that, even in the park, if handy notebook and the network.

Unusual forms of employment are permanent. However, there is little a manager can manage such a comfort to spend all their allotted work time, as one who trades on Forex. Prikinte, suddenly you've created just for speculation on the rate of SCR. It can bring you comfort and a solid profit.

At the moment brokers offer their clients to trade his shoulder from 1:1 to 1:500. However, a trader should not use all available leverage. Why? Trader must use the shoulder only when the current trend is wrapped in his side. Trader should plan a bargain and know exactly where to go from it, if the market moves in the desired direction. It only becomes known approximate level of risk, may determine how much money would be lost if the work stop-loss a trader. Typically, this loss should never exceed 5% deposit. If the position is strengthened by the shoulder so that it becomes a possible loss of, say, 50% commercial capital, the shoulder should be reduced until the potential loss is reduced to 5%. However, each trader has their own parameters of risk and may wish to deviate from generally accepted 5% in one direction or another, for example, many traders raise the level of maximum loss of up to 10% or even 15%. In other words, if the rate goes against you, you must be willing to lose in each transaction is not more than 5-10% of the total amount of his deposit. The greater the value of leverage, the smaller the settlements should be the currency against you for such a loss. Thus it becomes clear why the higher the leverage, the higher the risk of the loss limit. It also follows that the higher the leverage, the greater the amount of profit with the same value fluctuations. Traders should be noted that a great amount of money available for trading, the easier and safer to use the shoulder. Since marzhevaya position may lose money as quickly as they have, the trader must be sufficient equity (funds) that would serve as insurance against any «Drawdown» (marzhin-call). The point margin of risk is that traders are using borrowed money to buy or sell a contract. If the market does not make the move in a favorable direction, the loss will be multiplied multiply used shoulder. Often the brokers themselves set the maximum level Drawdown traders, for example in the company InstaForex marzhin-Call is 10%. InstaForex is ECN-broker providing quality services to trading in the market Forex. Cooperation with major marketmeykerami and brokers, contractors, coupled with an extensive client base InstaForex provide high liquidity and the ability to offer a truly speedy service to its customers.

Forex is an international interbank market. Operations are conducted through a system of institutions: central banks, commercial banks, investment banks, brokers and dealers, pension funds, insurance companies, multinational corporations, etc. The amount of the contract with the actual delivery of currency on the second working day (spot market) is typically about 5 million U.S. dollars or its equivalent. The cost of one konvertatsionnogo payment ranges from 60 to 300 dollars. In addition, will incur costs of up to 6 thousand dollars a month interbank information and trading terminal. Because of these conditions on Forex do not have conversions of small amounts of money. To do this, turn to cheaper financial intermediaries (bank or a currency broker), who will convert to a percentage of the amount of the transaction.

When large numbers of clients and applications differently intermediaries is not always necessary to conduct a real conversion through Forex. But they receive their commissions with clients at all times. It is because of the fact that the Forex are not all client applications, brokers can offer clients a commission, which is significantly lower the cost of direct operations in the Forex. At the same time, if you eliminate the middlemen, the cost of converting to the final customer inevitably increase.

Current Currency quotes are used for a large number of transactions that do not necessarily have direct access to Forex. An example is the change in exchange rate state-owned bank, which has to maintain the proportion between the rate of foreign currencies into line with their proportions in the Forex, even if the actual demand / supply within the country does not correspond to trends in the Forex. For example, if the domestic market is over-supply of the euro, but at the price of Forex euro against the dollar increases, the central bank will be forced to raise prices, not lower, under pressure from oversupply.

Another striking example - marginal speculative currency trading, which is focused on fixing the current forex quotes, but on its terms without any real supply. Almost all the brokers in the foreign exchange market to offer customers not only direct services to convert, but speculative trade with the credit side. In most cases, fees for such transactions is even lower than for the direct conversion, as well as by the massive and short transactions need to conclude contracts for the supply of the real occurs even less frequently. Very often, the commission take the form of spreads - the difference between the fixed purchase price of the currency and the selling price at the same time. In most cases, between the Forex and speculators is organized chain of several intermediaries, each of which takes its commission.

Margin transactions can lead (but not necessarily) to a real demand or additional proposals in the foreign exchange market, especially in the short period of time. But the general trend movements in exchange rates, they do not form.

Major participants in the foreign exchange market are:

Commercial banks.
They spend the bulk of foreign exchange. As banks hold accounts and other market participants are required to carry out its objectives, conversion and deposit-lending operations. Banks accumulate operation with our customers through the combined needs of the market in the exchange rate, as well as to attract / Accommodation and went with them to other banks. In addition to meeting the requests of customers, banks can conduct operations independently and at their own expense. Ultimately, the foreign exchange market is a market for interbank transactions, and, thereafter, on motion of exchange rates and interest rates, one should bear in mind the interbank foreign exchange market.

On the international currency market, the greatest influence of large international banks, the daily volume of transactions reaches billions of dollars.

Central banks.
The central (national) banks play an important role in the foreign exchange market. These functions include management of foreign exchange reserves, foreign exchange interventions have an impact on the level of the exchange rate, as well as regulation of the level of interest rates on investments in the national currency.

Companies engaged in foreign trade operations.
Companies participating in international trade have a strong demand for foreign currency (as importers) and supply of foreign currency (exporters), as well as place and are free foreign exchange balances in short-term deposits. In doing so, these organizations direct access to the foreign exchange market, as a rule, do not have, and carries out conversion and deposit transactions via commercial banks.

Companies engaged in foreign investments of assets.
These companies provided different kinds of international investment, pension and hedge funds, as well as insurance companies, are implementing policies of diversified management of portfolio of assets by placing funds in securities of governments and corporations of different countries. At the dealer's slang they are referred to simply fund or funds; most famous fund «Quantum» George Soros conducting successful exchange speculations. For this type of firms are also major international corporations engaged in foreign manufacturing investment: the creation of subsidiaries, joint ventures, etc.

Currency Exchange.
In some countries with transitional economies there are exchange markets, responsible for the exchange rates for businesses and market-based exchange rate. The state usually regulates the level of active exchange rate, using a compact stock market.

Foreign exchange brokerage firms.
Their duties include bringing the buyer and seller of foreign exchange and conversion between them, or credit-deposit operations. During his brokerage brokerage firms charge a broker's fee as a percentage of the amount of the transaction. Brokerage firm, has requested information on the courses and rates, is a place where a real exchange rate and real interest rates have already signed deals. Commercial banks given the current level of satisfaction from the brokerage firms.

Individuals who hold a wide range of non-trade transactions in foreign tourism, remittances, pensions, royalties, buying and selling hard currency.

Part of the process of learning Forex is to understand the different types of traders. Basically, their two - fundamental and technical traders. You to succeed in online commerce is necessary to understand these differences. You will receive a presentation on the methods they use to evaluate market conditions and leadership that can take the profit from foreign exchange tool. These 2 very different methodologies, and you can be comfortable either one or two. All the time you're faced with this terminology. Although there are huge differences in approach, it is necessary to say that most major financial institutions now use both methods and their strengths and weaknesses. Fundamental analysis refers to the broad economy, such as GDP, exports, imports, etc. As forextorgovets, I use both approaches in their trade, but with an emphasis on technical analysis. The fundamental trader believes that the stock market based on fundamental principles of the company, such as the ratio of PE, profit / loss, balance sheet management, business projections - the kind of information that is contained in reports provided to shareholders. Technical trader believes that his work is based on a simple, namely, the price chart of currency pairs. This is a reasonable assumption, because the price reflects previous work, and is dictated by the market during the trading day. (You can also hear the term chartist - this is the same) Basically, this is - the ability to analyze a price chart to predict future price movements. Fundamental concepts actually play a role, but only for large periods. You can use fundamental analysis to determine which part of the business cycle occurs in the economy and what industries offer the best potential for growth. Then use this information to identify groups of target shares, and then use technical analysis. Simple is not it?

On the Internet there are many proposals for the sale of trading signals and trust management in the FOREX market. I have never used such services, because I was confused by several things:

The absence of all quality assurance services.

Steytmenty, portfolio reviews - can easily be rigged, and many unwary workers would make such a site, that Soros pozaviduet such super-traders. You must be very experienced investor, in order to identify deception.

Transferring funds to the government.

Even greater problems arise when it is time to transfer funds to the management. It is not that a trader can steal the money, it is to open an account in his name and money would be available for your account. The point is that the trader before you worked with $ 1,000, and you gave him $ 100,000 and has a round sum of started trembling at the knees. Even the honest trader, by his fear, will inadvertently incur losses.


There are offices that collect funds from investors, and opening transactions in opposite directions, leaving some investors is to win, while others lose. Those that have benefited paid share, and other office shake shoulders. The office is always in the black. I hope you understand that for the Casino necessarily refer to the administration.

Remember how many traders, and many ways to defraud investors. I think the problem lies in the statistics, namely that 95% of traders in the long term, remain out of work. You want to know why this is happening, why so many novice traders good start, but finish the same? Market - it is a drug and should be a great force of will to use it to the extent that it is addictive. - a resource that was created to protect investors from fraudsters and unsuccessful traders. Using our system, your risks tend to zero! You want to know which way we provide a level of security and what benefits we offer?

All transactions previously entered into the system, thus you can be 100% sure that the outcome and duration of trade is not rigged. We conduct detailed statistics which can be seen on the page ranking trader;

You get trading signals from a trader, and he does not know anything about the amount of your deposit, and other features, thus it reduces the psychological pressure;

Traders uniquely identify themselves through the use of performance appraisal system Webmoney. Withdrawal of funds is possible only at certified purses, therefore, the trader does not make sense to create multiple accounts, because the fraudster will be punished, but returned to the investor funds;

If during the subscription period, the trader has a total loss, the money spent on subscriptions, net of commissions returned to the investor;

On the basis of subscription, you can leave a response trader;

You need only pay for a subscription and do not have to pay a percentage of earnings.

We hope to work with us will bring you only pleasure and profit.

Sincerely, Eugene Muse!

You lose at forex? Blame you or Forex?

We are looking for underlying causes of the outflow of money from you - from the forex, they do not ottekayut, but only grow, therefore, the reasons for your financial problems with you.

You came to forex, needs the money and easy money. So, the problem with the arrival of the money was yet to Forex, which only reinforced this, as well as the work came directly from the money that is not on the traditional and the more prolonged pattern: commodity-money - a commodity.

Studying the habits and behavior of rich people need to understand what their difference of your habits because they are, these habits, stereotypes in thinking and, hence, in behavior and the cause of the wealth of some and the poverty of others, and forex is not with it.

Differences between rich and poor in their attitude to the world.

Do you think they are happy because they have no problem with money? Quite the contrary - they are all right with the money because they are happy, confident and believe that everything in the world they created and made available to them. Otherwise, why buy iron wheels valued at half a million dollars if you can do to and merci for 150 thousand?

Rich people are happy with themselves, self-confident, and therefore their prospects. The reason for their consistency with regard to life in general.

Index - rich people have a set of character traits and habits that contribute to the accumulation of wealth. Poor vice versa.
The same is true for healthy people - their habits differ from the habits of unhealthy people. This list can be prodzholzhit: full-evil, lavelasy-pets of women - the gray card, dusty and lonely ...

So, returning to forex, I stress - the underlying causes of such a continuous discharge of shocking statistics is that the basic habits that most comes to forex traders are the habits of poor people, or at least poor people.
The first question, which asks a wealthy man, coming into a business or a theme - how much you want to invest, what payback period, risk of what and how much will I earn ...
Most traders in such issues at an early stage, it is not enjoyed - their trading carries himself - he seems to be spending time on learning the correct trading, they will be able to Forex - because there is less total money needed to start - to earn every day, and quickly. Not exactly how much they will earn, or how long it will last, nor how much it will cost in time (because time is money, and developing other projects, the same person could earn), and the money they do not ask themselves - their carries the possibility to receive money just looking at the monitor (in the casino and igrvoyh machines - the same issue, but faster times).

Meanwhile, aware of the fact with which we started, that is what the rich from the poor habits of behavior is characterized as a business and the markets, let us try to imagine such a person - well, take, for example, Soros, for visibility - and attempt to extrapolate his habits for themselves and for what we are doing ...
You can imagine that Soros - considered m 15 euro, for example, as a promising alternative input any amount for the purpose of earning?

From privynogo thinking investor, it will vyprosy:
I would add another item such as the ability to influence the process - it was through this Soros made his capital and the main name (remember back to the pound). Moreover, the richer people, the greater his preference for the investment is dependent on the item. So, the fifth paragraph: the ability to influence the process * - This item will be key to us, when we consider the program of passive income.
Making an analysis of his thoughts (hypothetically):
TOTAL - he has enough money, not a small change - start with a million
TIME? - Schedule 15 minutes patterns the market develops over 10 hours - 20 - day maximum
RISK? - Yes figs knows - to work with the foot in such a frame of such an investor will not
COMPENSATION? - Also figs knows-how-lucky too small frame
Ability to influence the process - no

Of course, the idea of currency speculation to consider themselves, in addition to the frames below it by month, and never will - is simply absurd for serious investors ...

What will be of interest to investors such as Soros level (and not on the level of money, but on the habits of the rich man), so that the same force it to consider a particular currency pair, with a view to investing?
The answer is simple - information-the same thing that helped him to make his capital and his / her name.
And what kind of information? The answer is simple, too - whether rising or falling market in a relatively long term - and he more than likely, we know that information - rather, he simply learns about it before us, but over time it becomes available to all, however, when the market has already move ...
Only in this case, Soros will enter the market and it will not be on the same day:
The growing trend of euro per month - 92 months - as you are? And we have already forgotten that the euro / dollar started from 0.8220 marks in October 2000?

So, my recommendations for beginners rich
1. Find a photo, a man who inspires you, put it on your desktop, when the need for solutions, try to suggest how a person appreciated the same situation and what steps to take at your place ....

Now, during the deepest crisis in humans, much stronger than the increase in thirst to increase their capital. All this is good, but the benefits of this are not much, as money in times of crisis and there is nowhere ... "Wait! As nowhere? That's impossible!" - Then you think, because there is a chance to earn permanent, you just need to know where, or at least appear in the right place at the right time. And imagine now you are lucky, because the last line of article you will clearly know how and where else can you multiply your capital in spite of the crisis! Have you ever heard of the international money market, or perhaps you heard on the eve of the unknown to this day the word "trading"? Neuzhto heard about the market, but trading did not come across? No problem, in fact, it is better, but on all of the queue. It means this: a long time in the past had already in 1971, together with the creation of floating currency rates, in people's lives is a world currency market Forex. Why so? Yes if only because through the foreign exchange market Forex has already enriched the great mass of people, not to mention the fact that every hour in this place occur simply unthinkable for a typical person, the amount. Wait-ka, but where is it here? In fact, in the Forex market is no a room, even though that it might sell for people from anywhere in the world. "What the heck, and what actually sell?" It's easy, and traded on the Forex currency markets! Do not rush to take up the head or close the page if you do not have any currency. After all, if you dare to try yourself as a currency speculator, to train, you will still be on the test account. "What an account yet?" Detailed instructions on this matter can be obtained if the sign up for training Forex. Do you like that? Is it decided, you can get a million on Forex after a read the article? We dare you disappoint, you can earn, but not immediately. Market Forex - it is whether it and the psychology of man, the thing is too sensitive and non-permanent, and to understand it and learn to use for their benefit, you must first complete the same learning Forex. You require no money for courses, although these clearly exist. Nevertheless, at the same time, there is a popular community of traders, located on the Internet, where often there is a special section of "Forex for Beginners", which collected various books on the subject, as in the examples are laid out well, and conversely, poor Forex strategy. Clearly there is a trader who would take the U.S., but that only the more interesting, the concern that to convey not only the novice Forex for beginners, but also a little more. Then, covered with books and zapasshis expensive (especially in the FOREX market), the patience, you can try their skills in this trade currencies, but only in the virtual account. And then ... Then you are comfortable so that try their knowledge and skills in the real world, and will spend personal money. However, before you run away to look for an association of traders, keep in mind and did not say then that you will not be warned. The point is that work on the Forex market just looks simple and easy, in fact - it is hard work, even if intellectual ... the same - very dangerous. But remember also that not going to risk at all, you can stay ... No, not with champagne, but no money.

Virtually any Web user knows what the Forex. All have heard the stories supernatural profits of a mere chappie ... How much truth in these stories? Constantly, new trading systems and strategies, new indicators and statistics remains the same: a combination of 1% to 99% of winners of losers remains true today. Why? I think, because market participants are the first thing people from the inherent advantages and disadvantages.

Often, in the market, replacing a sense of logic - in this case a trader is doomed to the easy game, and consequently to the loss. Any trader, of course, was originally maloopytnym, and also felt by the many common mistakes novice. It was only after several failures of this kind are thinking: Where I go wrong? Why did I lose? Personally, my knowledge of their mistakes helped the blog, which I did. In those moments when I really did not understand what my miscalculation - a commentary on helping people to understand. So the experience of others has helped me, and I began to explore the blogs of other users, and - I had to say! Sometimes asked: how to learn to earn on Forex market? Stupid question. How to learn to swim? There is a need to jump into the water and try to swim. How to learn to ride a bicycle? We need to sit down and go! Is it not so? Likewise, and in the Forex market - you can explore the many, long watch, but the practice has always teach you something new. And would teach forever.

If you still want to learn trading, the highly recommends that you have friends in that environment. Moreover, it would not necessarily be the veteran traders, this may be related to you, maloopytnye traders. Together to learn something not only easier, but many times more attractive. And the results are much better. Therefore, to look at well-known blogs and traders community of traders - and there on the spot all to see.

But do not think that I agitiruyu score for the study of literature on the topic and quickly jumped into the trader. The key point - that the practice is not razminulas with the theory. Accordingly, read, understand, izuchayi testing ... Read financial and analytical material, and when they find something like «... pound rose because ...» and can not understand why - then be sure to search the literature. Books on Forex in our Time in the World Wide Web to find fairly simple - Google рулит. So the difficulties should not arise.

Forex - this is real money. This is exciting. It costs. This is a passion. Are you ready for this? I'm off the four deposits, so it is not simple words - I know what I say. This is not халява!

And when did start to receive income, that is, on the basis of, for example, the month is in the black - will not turn the language to call this simple earnings.

Currency trading in the FOREX market is now popular modern business. The volume of transactions of foreign exchange market Forex is constantly growing. This has contributed to the abolition of currency restrictions in the countries of Asia and Eastern Europe, as well as significant developments in the world of international trade. In recent years the development of information technologies has changed the market Forex unrecognizable. If the earlier trade exchange was the privilege of professionals (mostly large banks), but now, thanks to e-currency trading on the Forex have hundreds of thousands of fans. Thanks to the marzhevoy currency trading firms and private individuals with little capital, it is possible to perform operations on Forex. Brokers and dealers of marzhevye services require traders to make the security deposit and allow them to trade in exchange for an amount of 100-500 times higher than the deposit made. The entire risk while intermediaries passing on malopodgotovlennyh clients. Brokers and dealers do not run the risk (for banks Forex is generally a source of significant profit), and an attractive and accessible currency market Forex is becoming «trap» for inexperienced enthusiasts, 90% of which broke.

Anyone who wishes to engage in currency trading on Forex, must clearly represent the highest risks of this kind of business. For luck in currency trading can not be expected, sometimes it helps, but not for long. The main advantage and disadvantage of trade in the foreign exchange market, and hope - this is intelligence trader, only with his help, he can hope to achieve a profit. Forex market has many advantages over other markets.

High risks on the Forex are accompanied by and large incomes. For the literate investor forex - it's very fast to get high returns.

Forex market is stable, compared to the stock market. Currency will not fall is always a welcome commodity. The drop rate of one currency means the appreciation of the other, and the correct tactic allows the trader to make trade, as the increase or decrease in the. A drop in shares on the stock market - this is for the trader's collapse.

Forex Market Hour, he is not related to hours of work, as the linked exchange.

But all of dignity Forex market balances its particularly high risk. Surprising, often nearly invisible, changes in economic or political situation in the trade, or carelessness, and even seemingly minor errors trader instantly turns profit losses much faster than in other markets. Complexity Forex market is that a huge number of factors affect the fluctuation of exchange quotations. Therefore, the ability not to lose concentration, and improve the trading system, to understand the complex mechanisms of the market - these are the requirements for Forex market trader.

Stable profitability of trade in the economic situation bystroizmenchivoy Forex trader can make concentrating on two areas: effective forecasting and management of capital.

Anticipation for the Forex - a complex application of technical and fundamental analysis. Technical analysis - a method of forecasting prices, based on mathematical, rather than on economic layout. In technical analysis trader examines the schedule of prices for earlier periods the market, rightly assuming that if certain types of analysis employed in the past, it will work in the future.

Fundamental analysis - opposed to technical analysis. This seems to look at the market of the future. Fundamental analysis is based on examining the impact of market changes in economy and trade policies of countries. The usual mistake of all traders, novice, hobby and various figures of the indicators in technical analysis - and ignoring the fundamental analysis, but without him it is impossible to construct a reasonable and timely forecasts of movements in exchange rates.

And finally, Get to the start of a real increase in trade «demo» in half - this will mean that you have struck the main methods of forecasting and capital management.

Good luck, though it at Forex and little depen

Many newcomers are not drawn to the phrase special attention. Most of the novice traders come to market with the belief that investing a small amount of money they will receive from the trade on Forex more profit. As the statistics show, starting in the FOREX market using borrowed money unfortunate with great probability. The risk not only their own, but borrowed funds, beginning investors make mistakes. The first unsuccessful transaction, without which there is no trade in the foreign exchange market, resulting in a loss of confidence and lead to the adoption of impulsive decisions, a trader tries to make every effort to urgently «aftergame», pens themselves in an increasingly difficult position.

At the market a huge number of different influences on the strength and direction of factors, therefore, to predict exactly in which direction the market turns at any given moment - it is not possible. The most calm the situation may change in the split second the opposite. However, applying the techniques of technical analysis, analysts and mathematical prediction, carefully studying the latest stock quotes and related information can be obtained from trading in forex earnings.

Frequent omission was a rush for instant high-profit and open positions in excess of 50% deposit. Probability of loss with such a high risk strategy, forcing the trader to play more and make more mistakes.

It is believed that for a beginning player in the forex open positions must not be greater than 10% of the amount of the deposit. Violation of the principles of trade in the currency market Forex is the rapid loss of all invested funds. For currency trade may not be treated lightly, the profit is only through the application of knowledge, skills and experience. Exercise with a demo account can be a necessary starting experience, but without the experience of working with real financial trader would be hard to achieve success.

Only one of the small investors to earn large sums of forex, currency trading, however, can become not just a hobby, and craft, generating positive emotions and financial gain. Successful players operate with efficiency tending to thirty per cent of the money.

To date, currency forex market - one of the most popular types of businesses. Its main advantage is that all you need to work on this market - this is the Internet, and ten $ seeding, but I once heard that the five dostatochnoi $.

But too many novice traders stop play, and do not realize the essence of the market. Statistics ruthlessly, she said that after a year on the stock exchange is less than 3% of traders from those who started. Others either do not have enough money, or perseverance, or knowledge, or desire. In this publication we will try to understand the principles of the market.

Greed and fear - 2 important concepts of the game in exchange for any trader. And, therefore - passion. By the way, gambling is also on the faces of those three things. Therefore, sometimes compared to the stock exchange Forex casino. Only, unlike a casino, the market still has its rules, and if strictly followed, it is possible to exchange lasted a very long time, and while - to get revenue. Each trader converts all of these rules in the trading system. We all own it, depending on the needs and opportunities. Most of these trading systems are helping traders overcome the greed and fear.

I myself, for the first time in the market, severely hampered by these factors. But I stubbornly did not want to create their own system, I was hoping for his intuition. Here, for example, I assumed that the price will go down, as it grows. What I made? I did not put a stop-loss, I expect the cost reduction, and the higher cost of growing, the greater became my negative, the more difficult it was to decide to stop position. And suddenly, I stopped - and the price begins to decline, it is necessary to wait a little bit, so that was a little less - that these thoughts did not leave my head, and the price at this time, all raised and raised. That is how fear and greed and not competently make. The same period has been in my life when I did the opposite - a metal, often changing positions, running for the price, did a partial closure and dolivki - the result is negative - minus regular balance.

Listen to the wise advice of experienced investors.

First, the choice of investment strategy will depend on your financial capabilities. If you have accumulated several hundred thousand dollars, it is better to entrust the management of money in Switzerland, the Baltic or the Austrian bankers. They pick up the option of investing and diversify risks better than any newcomer.

And if your capital does not exceed $ 100 thousand (or less), then go to foreign markets will have their own. But for this you need to learn foreign market shares and use the services of online brokers.

A small beginning of the big cases

Since the work on-line brokers, through which you can perform transactions on the leading stock sites can be accessed by visiting the sites,,

Start with the need of opening an account with one (you can have several), an online broker. And for that should go to his site and to print a form contract for the provision of services. Then you fill the contract, sign it and send by mail the broker. Usually you want a paper copy of the contract with the handwritten signature of the investor.

With a contract you must send the form and the so-called W8ben, telling that the investor is not a U.S. citizen and does not reside temporarily in the U.S. territory. This form is very useful - it saves you from tax in the United States.

Then you should list a certain amount of money in your account. Typically, the broker, as a rule, asked to make a check, but since this type of calculations we have not distributed, it will be possible to transfer the money later, after opening an account.

You will learn about opening it, if you periodically (eg once a day) will go to the site of the selected broker to its password. And please note that a letter of agreement will lead to the broker about two weeks.

To activate the account it should not be less than $ 500. However, operating such a sum, you are unlikely to get good results. Bonus points if your account will be $ 3-5 thousand, or even better - $ 10 thousand if you're a beginner, then more investment is not recommended.

The money - to the

So, you see that the account is opened. This will be visible on the welcome: you turn on the name you specified in the contract with a broker. Then begins the fun part - through you, but there is no money in it. What should I do?

There are several ways to send money abroad. The most simple and inexpensive: find among your friends who are familiar with the foreign economic activity (has business with foreign partners). Ask someone to list his foreign accounts (most likely offshore) to your account with an American broker an amount, for example, $ 7 thousand, of course, that the money (cash only) you must return your facilitator in Ukraine.

It is important that the money in your account does not come with the territory of Ukraine, as with any foreign or offshore companies. Indeed, in this case, the sender is impossible to attract criminal liability. This scheme is used by many brokers. To obtain a license in NBU investing abroad use only one.

The difficulty of choosing

So, your money to a broker there. What's next? At the U.S. stock markets traded more than 20 thousand of the shares cost from $ 0,001 to $ 110 thousand each. And each campaign stands by its symbol (ticker). For example, Boeing stock is traded under the symbol BA; Intel Corp. - INTC; General Motors - GM; Avon products - AVP, and so on. In all this, you need to thoroughly understand.

To do this, go to, follow the link under the shares (stocks) and go to the stock screening (screening - selection of stocks on the specified parameters). Ask any setting, for example, the size of the capitalization of the company at least $ 1 billion search engine will give you a long list of stocks that meet the given parameters, the names of companies and their stock symbols. Choose Meet companies, their financial condition, capitalization, staff, etc.

All this can be found at, to be exact - at, as well as the site chosen broker. The above data are provided to customers on a mandatory basis. You can also find the graphics market price stock that can be built in any time scale.

You - shareholder

Finally, the action you selected. Let it be shares of Goodyear tire (GT) - the largest manufacturer of tires in the United States. Go to the homepage of orders your broker, fill out a warrant to purchase and then press ENTER. You will see the order in slightly modified form, and ask the broker to confirm the order. Press ENTER again. Within a few seconds, you become a shareholder in the company Goodyear tire!

After entry in the register of shareholders, you get all the rights of co-owner companies. You by e-mail invitations will even come to the annual meeting of shareholders. Letters coming from abroad, especially from the broker or the company may intercept the concerned authorities, so it is desirable to specify in the contract for real, but not his, but someone else's (eg, a friend who lives abroad).

Naturally, the broker for the execution of the order will commission (within the $ 15-20). And no matter how many shares you purchased - 1 or 1000. Fees are the same. Of course, cheaper to buy more shares. So, if bought 10 shares of GT for $ 20, you pay $ 200 per share plus $ 20 - fees for the purchase, plus $ 20 left to pay on the sale. Total is $ 240. That is, to withdraw from the deal without a loss, will sell the shares of GT is not below $ 24 apiece - a 20% higher than the purchase! So you proderzhites shortly. Therefore, the shares you need to buy 400-500 pieces, then the transaction will be more than justified.

Sale of shares bought - true art. Assume that your account was correct and the share price rising. When to sell? The first option - after the price rises to 10-15%. Second - keep until the graph of prices of shares do not see obvious signs of trend turn.

Lack of first option is that you can sell the stock too early and lost profits. The lack of a second - a large portion of the profits you could lose, waiting for signals on the spread pattern.

Of course, there are other options to determine the optimal time of sale. All of them are described in the literature on technical analysis.

Profit and risk

You understand that you can earn a lot of - there is no limit. It needs a sober calculation, and a little luck. Working with the shares of small companies, you will, of course, much to risk, but returns may be high. Such companies can provide gains of up to 300% and more than a few days.

See graphs of growth stocks, you can visit the site There you'll find many interesting graphs of shares, which showed the marvels of growth in 200%, 400% and 1000% for a few days. It is important only to predict a price rise, to find a company before its shares scrambled raskupat millions of investors, and prices began to take off.

If you are conservative and invest money only in the «blue chips», then your earnings may be lower. On average - from 5-25% for the year, if not wrong with the choice of object attachments. But in both cases, losses are possible. Indeed, to predict share price is quite difficult, especially our inexperienced Ukrainian investors.

How to get to?

Finally you receive a desired income. Now the question arises: how to collect their money from the account of the broker? The path is almost the same as when you send money, just the opposite. Transfer of proceeds from his accounts with the broker to the account of a foreign company of his friend's (or the payment properties abroad that he would provide). Then the mediator in Ukraine pays cash (minus a premium for services). But in this case, all based on trust, which is very risky.

Calculate your costs when withdrawing money. About $ 20-25 will remove the broker for the transfer of money and even 1-2% of the amount you must pay the mediator-businessman. So, with income of $ 5000 in cash receive a profit:

• 5000 - 25 = 4975;

• 4975 - 1.5% = 4900.

That is, the loss of no more than $ 100.

But to receive the income is very, very difficult. Do not believe those who say it's easy. Achieving good results requires great analytical work.

Myth: Forex - is like playing in a casino.

Reality: In fact - this is to open trade.

According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) crednesutochny Forex market turnover is more than 1.7 trillion dollars! This is an international market exchange rates, which make thousands of banks, investment companies and private individuals. The only similarity to the casino - is that if the deal, hoping only for good luck - you can quickly how to lose capital, as well as in several times to increase it.

The difference is that in a casino, you can not win, but here it is quite real. It's a fact. In addition, the game in the casino to you, for example, no one would give credit to - you look like at madman. While working on the Forex is - successful traders have to manage hundreds of millions of dollars. Upon understanding the Forex as a business, working systematically and seriously - the number of failures can be minimized, and the number of profitable deals to increase.

Myth: Earnings depend on the case, and luck

The reality: you need to learn to earn a stable!

Forecasting exchange rates involved in hundreds of related companies and investment banks around the world (Merrill Lynch, Standard & Poor's, etc.). Some traders, of course, consider forex as a hobby, and this may indeed be one of the most interesting hobbies, which allows not only to spend money, but also earn them, while learning many new and useful. Analysts note at the present time, almost, the boom in the market in hedge funds, which make speculative transactions on the market rates.

There is a widespread view that to earn a stock trade - this is the inheritance of the elect, that only one can do in this capital.

Indeed, earlier and was.

In the meantime, brokers in securities or currency are, in my state, thousands of banks in countries where this direction is already strong. (U.S., euro area, Japan)

At the post-Soviet space that is almost not there, because this business is in its infancy.

A well-known fact that the income of many investment banks and hedge funds increasingly consists of short-term transactions such as currency speculation.

Having mastered the profession of a trader, you will, in addition to trade in the currency market, the kinds of skills that will help you to make your budget and allocate assets.

For example, private Americans with their financial advisers, whose services are very expensive.

Perhaps all understand that, depending on what currency you will have money - or you will receive additional profits, or lose the difference in rates.

In Forex, you can easily achieve gains of 50% pa This return can not boast of many banks.

All this meant that, on learning frameworks for the global markets, economic laws, the events that affect the course, you can correct their own orders to get extra income.

Myth: In order to trade on the Forex requires special financial education.

Reality: Trading on the Forex can be a person with absolutely any entity.

This is important intelligence and the ability to restrain emotions. Being trained to work in the foreign exchange market, you will gain valuable and useful in the future skills. Here, learn to react quickly to changes in data to compare the huge amount of exchange of information upon which to build an analysis of your future transactions. Many successful traders do not have higher education, but have the necessary analytical skills.

Myth: In order to trade on the Forex need large amounts, can not ordinary people.

Reality: Start your own trade on the Forex it is 200 dollars.

Such an opportunity for individuals with an introduction to the world «Margin Trading». This trade with the credit side. The point is that to buy a certain amount of currency you need to have only 1% of the contract value. The rest of your loan (a loan free of charge), your brokerage company at the time of the transaction. After a loan is automatically withdrawn back, and all profits earned from it, remains with you. No commission on Forex market is not.

Myth: It's not for our country. Trading on the exchange - this is only for western countries.

Reality: Forex in the post-Soviet space is accessible to all.

You can trade on the Forex brokerage company, through intermediaries, that if you provide access to the foreign exchange market. You get a set of documents, which guarantees the reliability of the Ukrainian brokerage company.

As a company, you get free software through which you connect to the Internet, to contract for the sale of foreign currency. Orders of sledke given you all the touch of a button.

Myth: Earn might be possible, but it is not clear as to withdraw their money.

Reality: The withdrawal of the money comes in one day.

Make a profit is automatically recorded in the box software. In order to get your money, you fill out special application form, submit it to the company and get their profits in cash or any other convenient for you.

Myth: Most people lose money.

Reality: Most people come into the market, not having mastered the basic techniques of analysis.

Myth: It takes a long time. I risk losing the bulk of the work.

According to data from the Ministry of the United States each year, in America, recorded a few million new businesses, 80 - 85% of them - do not live more than two years.

In trading, the ratio of roughly the same, with the difference that determine whether you have the ability to trade can be quite fast.

You, as a trader, organize your business in Forex, its trade. If you organize it correctly - you will earn and grow. In business, you can constantly learn and become a more successful businessman, but can not learn from mistakes - then your age nedolog. If you know how to earn money in the FOREX market, or on another stock exchange - you would trust the great capitals.

Reality: You have to decide how to spend the time to commit the transaction.

This work does not require you to permanent residence in front of a computer monitor. You can make a few transactions a day and can make good, profitable deal several times a week. In addition, the Forex market operates around the clock so you can work evenings, at night, or simply parallel to the main work. You can trade while in any place. When you work on a computer program, you are not clear of the cases, make a transaction at any time of day.

It should not be a greater number of transactions scoop. Transactions must be balanced, deliberate, and as a result - profitable.

Here we live in the twenty-first century, reaping all the charms of technological progress. Life has become easier to live became more cheerful. Only now feel that the simplicity and fun, unfortunately, once. Modern man, especially a resident of a megacity, is constantly in a state of цейтнота. Every day we are in the race. That if for happiness, so there is no - for the financial well-being. How much energy and time already spent on it is the well-being. And it all does not occur, and if anyone has come, the time to enjoy them and especially not - you need a new escape.

How many temptations around - how many excellent opportunities for providing modern financial world. By investing money in the bank, investment company, or at least buying a 100-g slitochek precious metal, you automatically become or someone, as an investor. But it happened that the word «investment» discourages our compatriot.

Seventy years of striving for a bright future is firmly vbyly in our bright, that money can earn only «and then the blood», well, or, in extreme cases, to receive the inheritance. Well, the level of financial culture in our country, unfortunately, is still at a very low level, preventing effectively manage not only their capital but also time.

In fact, in order to become a good investor is not necessarily spend their precious time, and that without it completely goes to work, business and family. We often look with envy at the success stories of people puzzled, as they are able to not only earn money but to go on vacation, finding time for himself. But everything is very simple - these people took time right investment decisions, did not hesitate to discover the diverse world of financial instruments.

And wrong is the one who will say that this is only for the elect. Ability to use, for example, one of the most profitable instruments - exchange trade - to date, have each person. And it does not need to have a huge capital sum of 5000 dollars. will allow you to receive a yield of 10 to 15% per month.

But here again there is a problem: the work on the stock market requires a certain time. Mistake, those who assumes that the gain on the exchange easily. Moreover, many have compared it with the tape, referring to the fact that in the West, this is quite a substantial part of the population. Not at all.

If you do not have time to study dense occupation trader, which is not less than 2 years old, you should trust the trustee - the professional trader.

This service trust management has been highly successful, because people are not wasting time, may receive substantial income from capital, the trader paying 30-50% of earnings for stock transactions. By the way, because the trader's income depends on the capacity of capital in your account, he more than anyone else is interested in raising revenue. In addition, funds are under your complete control, a trader can provide you with reports on operations as often as you wish. Besides, you can watch the stostoyaniem affairs of any moment from anywhere in the world.

As a result, you will be able, without wasting your personal time to get a solid return on the stock exchange transactions and enter in the cohort of successful investors.